Sunday, February 10, 2013

Important Steps To Help You To Develop An Effective Nutritional Plan For Your Abdominal Workouts

If you want to make use of intensive abdominal exercise workouts to lose your belly fat and build up your six pack abdominal muscles, you have to plan your nutrition effectively.

If all that you want to achieve is to lose weight without building your abdominal muscles, you just need to eat a well balanced diet and make sure that you do not consume more than your calorie needs so that you do not gain extra weight.

However, if you want to build up your muscles as well as lose belly fat you need to pay more detailed attention to your nutrition and here are some main steps that will help you to plan for your special nutrition as you engage in intensive abdominal workouts:

Step 1-Develop a pre-workout nutrition plan
-If you want to exercise to lose belly fat and at the same time build up your abdominal muscles, you have to take some food before you start your workouts so that your muscles do not easily become fatigued.
-Eat a moderate meal about 2 hours before you commence your exercise routine. This is to allow the food to digest properly so that the nutrients and the energy in the eaten foods would have been absorbed into the muscles.
If you do not allow enough time for the foods that you have eaten to digest properly before you start your exercises, your body will still be digesting the food when you start your workout and you will experience an energy loss as most of the blood in your circulatory system will be diverted to your guts to aid digestion instead of going to your exercising muscles.
-Do not over eat so that you do not end up gaining instead of losing weight. Your pre-workout meal should consist of carbohydrates that have a low glycaemic index which makes them release their sugar content very slowly. A good example of such a meal will consist of salad mixed with vegetables and fruits.
You should also add lean protein from eggs, poultry meat, lean meats and fish to your pre-workout meals.
-Eat a vitamin and supplement rich snack 15 to 20 minutes before the commencement of your workout to improve growth and keep your body up and running during the exercise.

Step 2-Develop an intra workout nutrition plan
-When you engage in intensive workouts and weight training, you should consume additional quick releasing carbohydrates to give you additional energy boost.
-You also need to take lots of fluids during the exercise routine to keep your body well hydrated especially when you are engaging in long workouts.

Step 3-Develop a post workout nutrition plan
-After engaging in serious weight training sessions or intensive cardio sessions or endurance training sessions you need to consume some proteins and carbohydrates immediately.
-You should consume a high protein snack like the popular whey protein shakes within at the most 30 minutes after completing the exercise.
-You should also consume carbohydrate rich foods and drinks within 2 hours after strenuous exercises that lasted for more than 90 minutes to refuel the glycogen stores of the body.
-You will also need to rehydrate your body after you finish your strenuous exercise routine and you can either make use of commercially prepared drinks like lucozade, isotar etc or you can also make your own sport rehydration drink at home.

Final step- Click here to sign up for a free 7 days fat loss diet e-course to help you develop an effective fat loss diet plan

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